It's interesting, isn't it? Us critics, we always want artists to 'evolve' and 'reinvent themselves' all the time, but I feel a part of the general music listening public mainly wants Burial to go back to his Untrue sound. Which he hasn't exactly done with this one, but with its rolling drums, it's closer to his early beats than the dark ambient of some of his mid- to late 2010s work.

That being said, the new tune doesn't do much for me either. I love dark ambient Burial.

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It's not even necessarily that I want him to go back to the Untrue sound; it's just that when he veers into chirpy R&B vocals and trance FX, I tend to lose interest. I did quite like his XL release earlier this year, and I also like his dark ambient releases quite a bit.

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I know! You're a critic, you don't want him to go backwards. That's my point!

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Skee Mask's Reminiscrmx seem like a variation of Link's Arcadian Do you agree Philip ?

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I'm not sure I hear it, actually?

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It's Chameleon sorry

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Arcadian is it the track with the Ferris Bueller sample ?

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